Can constipation couse lower back pain on left side
Can constipation couse lower back pain on left side
Back Pain |
Blogsamskodri- Can constipation couse lower back pain on left side, Almost everyone has experienced back pain. Usually, back pain is characterized by a feeling of aches, stiffness, pain or the waist feels like it is being stabbed. But you also need to be vigilant. If you experience back pain on the right or on the left, it must be alerted, Can constipation cause left back pain?
Almost everyone has experienced back pain. Usually, back pain is characterized by a feeling of aches, stiffness, pain or the waist feels like it is being stabbed. But you also need to be vigilant. If you experience back pain on the right or the left, it must be wary of.
Back Pain, Is It Dangerous?
Most back pain is generally harmless. The pain felt also did not last long. The average back pain will go away on its own in just a matter of minutes or hours. However, not a few back pain that lasts longer.
If the pain you feel lasts long enough, even days and often comes and goes, you shouldn't take it lightly. Some back pain can be an indication of a more serious disease, especially if the origin of the pain is specific, such as back pain on the left or right.
For example, left back pain. This could be a sign that something is wrong with your kidneys. However, if the right waist hurts, it could be a pinched nerve or a problem in the liver.
Pay attention to the origin of the pain you feel. Does the left hip hurt or the right waist hurts? By understanding where the pain is coming from, you can take anticipatory steps.
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If you feel left flank pain, don't ignore it. The pain that appears can occur for several reasons. For example, such as kidney stones or hip arthritis.
For more details, here are the causes of whether constipation can cause left back pain?
Kidney Stones
Left back pain can be caused by kidney stones. Usually, the pain due to kidney stones is felt in the waist area to the back. Back pain due to kidney stones is also often accompanied by pain when urinating.
Ulcerative Colitis
Diseases of the large intestine such as ulcerative colitis can also cause back pain on the left. In addition to the waist area, pain due to ulcerative colitis also attacks one side of the abdomen. If you feel back pain accompanied by bloody stools, pain in the anal area, diarrhea and weight loss, you should immediately see a doctor.
Starting from the upper abdomen and then spreading to the waist, if the pain is felt like this, there could be a problem with the pancreas. Back pain caused by pancreatitis is usually mild. But when eating, especially eating fatty foods, the pain will get worse.
Gynecological Disorders
Never underestimate left back pain. It could be, the pain felt is one of the symptoms of dangerous diseases, such as gynecological disorders or the growth of tumors in the uterine wall. Back pain due to this gynecological disorder generally feels like a stab and is often felt during menstruation.
Hip Arthritis
Inflammation of the hip joint can also cause pain in the waist area. This hip arthritis can cause stiffness and even swelling. As a result, the body feels difficult to move.
Causes of Right Back Pain
Back pain, especially on the right side, can be caused by several things. Apart from muscle problems and injuries, here are the causes of right back pain.
Urinary Tract Infection
Infections that occur in the bladder or urethra are often accompanied by back pain. Usually, back pain due to urinary tract infection can occur when urinating. The risk of back pain due to urinary tract infection is also relatively higher in women.
Pinched Nerve
This health disorder often occurs in the spine, especially in the lumbar region or lower spine. That is why pinched nerves are often accompanied by back pain.
The cause of the pinched nerve itself is the spine which begins to become brittle due to aging. The habit of lifting weights that are too heavy can also cause pinched nerves and right back pain.
Spine Constriction
Back pain on the right can also be caused by a narrowing of the spine. Usually, back pain due to spinal narrowing will be more pronounced during activities. Aging is also the main cause of back pain on this one.
Herpes zoster or shingles can be one of the causes of right back pain. Aging and a weak immune system are also considered to be the main causes. If you feel a burning sensation in the waist area but there is no, Thus the exposure whether constipation can cause left back pain.(blogsamskodri)
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